Thursday, January 10, 2019


Giovanna's been talking a lot about the new sensation within children and pre teen- the LOL dolls. Basically, LOL dolls are mini dolls that comes in a ball as a surprise. When we buy it we don't know which doll we will get and with what feature it will come; some of them pee, some trow up and some cry and change color. 

This past weekend Giovanna finally bought one (apparently most of her friends from school have it). She was T R I L L E D! Honestly, I've never seen her that excited about a toy. She couldn't even wait to get home to open it, so she started unwrapping it in the car. The ball where the doll comes in is wrapped in several layers with messages like: "almost there", "you are close", "I can't wait to meet you", etc. (Remember? They come as a surprise)

Kids are so funny and easy to please. I don't know how people come up with ideas like this. Children everywhere are crazy about this LOL. I told Ale we need to invest our time and energy to invent a new toy. We will be rich. Each LOL dool costs around $10 no kidding! Ten bucks for a tiny doll. Giovi only got one because she payed with a gift card someone gave her for her birthday last year.

When she opened it a tiny doll with green hair appeared- surprise!! After getting home and filling the doll's bottle with water and giving it to her, we found out she is the one who pees when we squeeze her ears. Since then Giovi's been playing with it, sleeping with it and taking it to school. She really enjoys her new doll which we affectionately call "Umita" because she looks like Uma from the Disney movie Descendants, and because, well.. she is tiny.

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