Friday, February 22, 2019


Today Bianca woke up around 7:30am to find mommy and daddy still asleep. Soon enough she started to call for her big sissi. Giovanna was in the bathroom taking a quick shower before getting ready for school. Giovanna is eight, and she loves being an early bird at school. She turns her alarm on every night before bedtime, and when the alarm goes off in the morning she wakes up and gets dressed all by herself. I just wake up a few minutes later to do her hair and drive her to school (she eats breakfast there).

I have no idea why my girls like waking up early. They definitely didn’t get it from me. Although, I’ve always waken up early in my life I simply hate it! I am not a morning person and my morning mood is never on the bright side. Giovanna started understanding that when she was around Bianca’s age.

I am glad Bianca has her big sissi to make her company when Ale is gone and  I am still sleeping, because Giovi didn’t have anyone. Ale would leave early to work, then she would wake up and play in her room until I wake up. Or sometimes she would bring her toys to my room and play quietly on the floor next to my bed. I never asked her to do that. Giovanna has been ALWAYS the nicest girl I know. Her heart is gold! And I am not saying that just because she is my daughter, but because it is part of her nature.

On weekends sometimes I can hear her talking to Bianca to be quiet so I can sleep a little longer, then  when I wake up she has always a surprise for me- a beautiful table set for breakfast. It’s funny because when I was single I always wished I had someone to get the breakfast table ready for me when I woke up.

Thank you Giovi for making me so happy. I feel blessed everyday for being your mama. I love you very, very much my princess!

Have a good weekend!
(Hopefully with extra sleeping time)

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