Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Snowy Wednesday and bubble bath

The weather this morning was ugly. It was cold and the sky was grey. Then in the afternoon it started snowing- but not enough to go sledding, just enough to get colder. Poor Giovanna had asked me the day before if she could ride her scooter on her way back home from school. We were really hoping for a pleasant weather. But...

Tonight I'll be with the girls at home while Ale goes to a presentation at Brigham Young University. Since we don't know what time he will be coming back I will give the girls a bubble bath, then I will help Giovanna make a Valentine box to take to school tomorrow. Last night Ale was out until late and when he came back home me and the girls were already fast asleep.

These days have been so busy, specially for Ale. I hope we survive until this summer when he finally graduates from his MBA.

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