Thursday, March 21, 2019

Behold Thy Mother

"How is it that a human being can love a child so deeply that you willingly give up a major portion of your freedom for it? How can mortal love be so strong that you voluntarily subject yourself to responsibility, vulnerability, anxiety, and heartache and just keep coming back for more of the same? What kind of mortal love can make you feel, once you have a child, that your life is never, ever your own again? Maternal love has be divine. There is no other explanation for it. What mothers do is an essential element of Christ's work".

Every time I lay down (no matter where) the girls come and lay down with me. Sometimes next to me, sometimes on top of me. They are very attached and they like being around me all.the.time. And I love that. But sometimes I need to tell them mommy needs some space.

I love my girls more than words can ever express. Heavenly Father was so wise when He created mothers. I could only understand His great love for each one of us His children after becoming a mother myself.

I know we come from Heavenly parents- Mother and Father, and I know our maternal love is divine.

"No love in mortality comes closer to approximating the pure love of Jesus Christ than the selfless love a devoted mother has for her children". (Behold Thy Mother)

-Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

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