Monday, March 25, 2019


Yesterday I sat down and explained to Giovanna why she is not going to her school field trip next Wednesday. I reminded her about choices x consequences. Because of her poor choices these past couple of weeks she will miss a fun field trip to the aquarium. She is really sad, but probably not more than me for having to do that- you know how parents are... our hearts are softer than a Jell-O banana pudding. 

Last week I was talking to a friend about how tired and frustrated I was with one of the girls. That’s when I realized I am tired because I am a mother (with all energy and weight this word carries), and that’s what mothers do- we teach, we help, we feed, we read, we fix, we schedule, and there is time for everything, and we track every minute of TV, video game, homework, etc, and we get tired and get frustrated. 

And we wouldn’t be if we were not mothering. Because mothering means action. Means effort. Means extra mile. And it means all these things over and over again. I could’ve ignored my daughter’s not-so-good behavior these last couple weeks and just let her go to the field trip. It would’ve been easier and definitely less tiring, but it would have not been mothering.

Now with that being said, take a deep breath and sing this mantra with me: every time I am tired it means I am doing a good job. 

• Mother (noun): female parent
• Parenting (noun): the raising of children and ALL the RESPONSIBILITIES AND ACTIVITIES involved in it.

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