Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Giuro di essere fedele

We are back to Salt Lake. It was a long and tiring trip, but I loved our time away from our responsibilities and our routine, and specially for being able to be alone with Ale. Since the girls were born we have never traveled just the both of us.

Our gang drove to North Salt Lake on Sunday to spend the night over the Britos, then the next day Ale, Mindy (who was driving us to the airport) and I woke up around four in the morning to get ready to leave. We kissed the girls goodbye and left them fast asleep.

We landed in San Francisco around eight in the morning. Since we didn’t have to be at the consulate general of Italy before ten we decided to look for Bellini’s Cafe (which Mindy and Tales had highly recommended) to have breakfast. It turned out the Cafe was out of business, and we ended up having a bagel from Whole Foods.

About fifteen more people were at the consulate for the oath ceremony. The staff conducted us to the upper level where we found a room carefully set up for the occasion. They even fixed a table with cookies, water and champagne for a toast. Italian songs were being played, and it was a very happy occasion for us all.

After reciting the giuramento, the consul and I signed the papers officially turning me into an Italian citizen. Viva!

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