Thursday, May 9, 2019

Cinco de Maio & Mindy

Happy Cinco de Maio last Sunday!

And Happy Birthday to Mindy who turned thirty-six on 5 de Maio!

After church the girls and I got ready to drive to North Salt Lake to sing happy birthday to our dear Mindy. We had yummy food, a cake to die for, and awesome company. Ale called from New York to also wish her happy birthday.

Then yesterday, Tales watched the girls so I could give Mindy her birthday gift. We had a girl’s night at The Melting Pot. We talked, tried new (delicious) drinks, and stuffed our faces on their amazing chocolate fondue. So good! It was a great night! 

-Thank you Tales for watching the girls!

Happy birthday Mindy! May all your wishes come true. We love you!

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