Monday, June 10, 2019


This weekend Bella and I celebrated our birthdays. This year I am turning thirty-six and Bella is turning two. I'll be talking more about her birthday (which was awesome) very soon.

Friday night Ale and I stayed up until late, then when I was going to bed around 12:15 am he surprised me with beautiful red roses. Throughout Saturday he and the girls kept surprising me with breakfast in bed, special lunch, and a surprise party. I had a beautiful day!

Saturday morning after my breakfast in bed, we headed to Salt Lake for Bella's birthday party. Then around 1:30ish Mindy stayed with the girls so Ale could take me to lunch. We eat at Tucanos Brazilian Grill, and the food was delicious! They even sang me ParabĂ©ns pra VocĂȘ. We usually eat there only on our birthdays.

Then after lunch we headed back home to find Mindy and the girls, and all of our friends waiting with cake, salgados and docinhos for me. It was awesome!

Thank you family and friends for making my day so special. 
I love you all.

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