Monday, June 17, 2019

Father's day 2019

Happy Father's day to our wonderful daddy!

On Sunday the girls woke up and gave daddy beautiful cards they made a few days ago for father's day. Then at church Giovanna and Bianca along with other children from Primary sang a song for all daddies. Giovanna sang her very first solo on the microphone. She practiced every day for that. She sang Mi papa and it was b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l!

Then the primary teachers helped all the children make a chocolate tie. Bianca and Giovanna each made one with M&M's. Yum!

After primary was over they both ran to daddy to give him his new ties. Daddy loved the ties, and the girls loved the chocolate they will probably help daddy eat.

Then later on my fancy dinner plans for father's day didn't work very well, so we postponed it for tonight. We'll be eating at our favorite Brazilian restaurant Braza Grill in Lehi. We are all very excited, specially daddy who loves red meat.

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