Friday, June 14, 2019


Golf camp is over. It was a really good (and fun) experience for Giovi.

A few days ago she saw a golf club set at Target and wanted to buy it. She loves mini golfing, but this time she is even more excited about it since she knows how to correctly hold the golf club and all that. There is a golf course fairly close to home that offers golfing classes for all ages. I might check it out for her.

On her last day of camping the instructors set up a glass stand for the children to hit their golf balls until they break the glass. It sounds very strange, but the kids had a blast swinging their golf clubs trying to hit the glass. Then they had pizza and fruit snacks. Every child brought a golf ball home.

While Giovi was in golf I met Lupita and the boys at the Museum of Curiosity. Since the driving rage was right behind the museum, when Giovi was done I picked her up and we simply walked back to the museum to meet everybody.

Summer day camps start next month for both Giovi and Bibi. 

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