Friday, June 21, 2019

Piscina time

The girls and I spent pretty much the entire week at the pool. Some days we swam twice in one single day. The weather was pleasant and the girls wanted to finally use their huge flamingo titia gave them last time she came to visit. We also had a couple of friends over.

Pati Villatoro came with her girls and nephews, and we had a blast. We stayed at the pool for four hours straight. The girls got back home happy and exhausted.

We also had Rebecca Siqueira with her kids over. Her daughter Alice is a good friend of Giovanna, and her son Thomas love playing with Bianca. They get along really well. Rebecca's husband- Marcos and my Ale are friends from when we all lived in Brazil. They moved to Utah a few years ago.

I feel SO grateful for the place we live at. It brings us so much joy!

One day I'll post about how we found it. It was a true miracle/blessing of Heavenly Father.

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