Thursday, June 20, 2019

Hobble Creek- Camping 2019

Last Friday we packed our camping gear and headed to Hobble Creek to meet our ward on our annual ward camping. The girls love it and always look forward to it.

This year I prepared a few meals we could easily heat up on the fire. I cooked homemade mac and cheese, my family's recipe for garlic bread and some seasoned meet. 

On Friday after dinner we roasted some marshmallows, watched a movie under the stars, then we sang karaoke until two in the morning. 

On Saturday morning I helped the sisters to prepare breakfast. We had tortillas, eggs, sausage and pancakes. It was delicious!

In the afternoon the kids played games, and eventually we all ended up fighting each other with tons of water balloons. It was so much fun AND refreshing!

Before getting ready to head back home we grilled some meat and garlic bread, and enjoyed the fresh air, the warm sun and the peacefulness we can only find in the mountains.

 We came back home with two sleepy (and happy) girls in the car. 

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