Thursday, July 5, 2018

Hobble Creek- Camping 2018

Last Friday Ale, the girls and I drove up to Hobble Creek Canyon to meet friends from our ward and camp at Kelly's Grove campsite. We had a lot of fun and I am looking forward to do it again.

It took us a while to figure out how to set up the tent, but as soon as we were done Ale played some soccer with the other guys, and I and the girls went to explore the place. There was a stream right next to our camping, so it was fun cooling off in the water from time to time we were there.

Later on the night brought a beautiful moon and a lot of stars in the sky, so we knew it was time to sit around the fire and enjoy some delicious s'mores. Then the ward sang karaoke until three in the morning. Bianca and daddy went to bed early while Giovanna and I stayed up until midnight.

The next day after breakfast the ward prepared water games for the kids. We had about 120 water balloons and everybody had a blast playing water balloons fight! For lunch we threw some franks in the grill and made hot dogs. I love camping and the delicious smell of fire!

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