Monday, July 8, 2019

Horsing Around

Today Bianca attended her very first summer camp. A few months ago I enrolled her in a summer camp at the Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point. I wasn't sure if she would want to be there all by herself, but it turned out when it was time for me to go she gave me a kiss and waved bye-bye.

I can't believe how big Bianca is getting! She is a happy little girl with lots of energy. She loves barbies, movies, and being outside. She is excited about life and enjoy learning new things. Oh, and she still loves animals, and that is why I chose a farm for her first summer camp.

When I picked her up and asked how camp was she answered: "it was great!". Then she told me all about her day- that she had pet the animals, participated in activities, and made new friends. She also complaint she didn't get to ride a horse (very disappointing).

Next month Giovanna will also be attending this same summer camp with other children of her age. She can't wait.

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