Friday, July 5, 2019

Story of our Life - Updates

Story of our Life I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX and X

As the last day of school for Ale approaches our concerns and stress increases. But looking back at where we were over a year ago and where we are now I have reasons to remain faithful that Heavenly Father will keep watching over us.

In May of last year, Emergency Essentials- the company Ale was working for was sold and all its employees were laid off. It was a very stressful time with no job and no idea of what to do. 

In order to still live (legally) in the country, Ale decided to start MBA. He tried a bank loan to cover the tuition but it was denied. Thankfully, after talking and explaining our whole situation to his parents, they decided to help us with half of his tuition.

After several trips to UVU, and meetings, and debating with members responsible for the program (because of Ale's not-so-great GMAT score), he was accepted into the MBA at UVU.

As soon as he started MBA he applied for a professor assistant position. A few weeks later he got an email saying all spots for PA were filled by students who have been waiting for a position since the previous year. We were very sad and discouraged with the news.

A while later he received another email letting him know new spots had been opened and he needed to reach out as soon as possible, which he did and got the position. 

All these months we've been living by little miracles through Heavenly Father's merciful hands.

Next week he will be applying for his OPT. I have so many mixed feelings about this. I mean, we've been there before, right? I'll will be praying and fasting so this time Ale can a get a job offer that could lead to a work visa, that could lead to a green card and eventually to a citizenship. How wonderful would that be?

But, honestly, if Heavenly Father has other plans for us, I just hope we can be comforted and enlighten in what to do. 

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