Thursday, July 4, 2019

Happy 4th!

Happy Fourth of July everybody! We love this country and we are so grateful for being able to still be here.

Since Giovanna would not have summer school today, I woke up a little later than usual, and before I knew it it was time for lunch already. We got our car that was over hermano Pirir to be fixed, then we headed to Cafe Rio. After lunch we decided to stop at the Colonial Heritage Festival. I love this festival and I take the girls there every Fourth of July.

But as soon as we got there we needed to head right back home because Bianca had (another) accident with #2. I don't know why but this has been a constant lately. She had one episode at Marshal's in Lehi a while ago, then another one at Arby's when we were having lunch with friends, then three accidents in a row at the splash pad last week, and one today at the festival.

I have no idea why she keeps doing it. I don't know if she holds it until she can't do it any longer, or if she is actually constipated, or if it is something else. The only thing I know is that it is very annoying and frustrating, specially because I am NEVER prepared for it. I think I have to start leaving the house with wipes and extra pair of clothes (and maybe pull-ups too) in my bag.

Anyways, later today we are driving to Lehi to spend the afternoon with the Matute family. And maybe tomorrow we can go back to the Colonial Heritage Festival since they will be there until Saturday.

I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July!

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