Friday, February 2, 2018

Story of our Life - Part X

Story of our Life I, II, III, VI, V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX.

Today I will be sharing my last post on the series Story of our Life. This post includes the most recent events since Ale lost his job at Brainstorm exact one year ago. 

As I had mentioned before, we were waiting on Ale's OPT (Optical Practical Training) to arrive, and when it finally came, the company he was working for had already filled his old position. Somehow I had a strong feeling that this would happen, but we always hope for the best, right?

Anyways, Ale started to look for a job and for our surprise no one called him back for an interview. Month after month he applied for several different companies and any of them called him for an interview, except for two who called then decided to go with another candidate afterwards.

I have no words to explain how hard it was for us to live another day. I was stressed, Ale was stressed, and, unfortunately, the girls felt our stress too. We even sold Ale's motorcycle to raise some money.

Then when I thought I couldn't take it anymore, I had a long conversation with Ale. That was when we decided to pray together. Every day.

After weeks praying, Heavenly Father blessed us with a job interview for Ale, that turned out to be his current job. They extended him the position a few days before Christmas. What a Christmas gift!

I have a strong testimony about prayer. Heavenly Father is always willing to bless us. We just need to turn to Him in sincere prayer, believing He has the power to heal us from our pain and help us on our needs. We had pledged for weeks for Ale to find a job, and He answered our prayer.

Remember Ale had a meeting at UVU? He went to talk to his mission president who currently holds a chair at UVU to see if there was any financial aid he could take advantage of, but unfortunately the University restricts that type of aid for citizens only, not international students. 

So that is our currently situation. Ale's OPT is good until the end of this month. Then we have sixty days to enroll in another school or leave the country. We haven't decided anything yet, but we've been constantly praying for guidance. It is a crucial time for our family, and I know Heavenly Father will keep blessing and inspiring us.

I had a doctor appointment a couple of weeks ago, and the doctor prescribed me Fluoxetine- the same one I had taken a few years ago. This whole situation is making me really depressed and anxious. It's been a hard time for all of us, and because of that I've been hard on the kids. But I am one hundred percent sure we will overcome these difficult times, and everything will be just fine.

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