Friday, August 3, 2018

New chapter

This morning Ale and I took the girls and ran some errands. First we headed to DMV to renew our driver's license, then we stopped at UVU. Ale is starting a MBA program in a couple of weeks and we want to make sure everything is ready. The girls and I stayed outside playing on the grass.

While the girls careless ran around and laughed with each other, I couldn't help but think about this new chapter in our lives. I pondered about my mixed feelings and tried to be positive about our uncertain future. I confess I was ready to kiss the whole school thing goodbye (for good), but I guess things never go the way we want. I just hope everything goes well for our family after one year when Ale graduates. We really deserve it!

Then as usual we had our evening swim, and my silly girls made me record at least twenty video clips of themselves jumping in the pool.

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