Thursday, August 2, 2018

Welcome August

I can’t believe it is August already and in a couple of weeks school starts again! This Fall I’ll be sending Giovi and Ale to school since he starts his MBA at he same time Giovi starts 2nd grade. I think this calls for a school year celebration. I’ll think of something really cool to do.

 For now we are just enjoying the rest of summer swimming as much as we can! My girls love water, and although there is already a chilly breeze in the early morning, it is really hot during the day.

Yesterday after 6:00 pm we headed to the pool and we stayed there until our tummies rumble. Then we knew it was time for (late) dinner. We hit the new Cafe Rio in Orem, then came back home ready for bedtime. Not bedtime stories that night. After five minutes everybody was fast asleep.

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