Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Goodbye summer reading

This week Giovanna attended her last day of summer reading. She dedicated three hours of her days throughout the month of July to go to school and improve her reading. She never complained to have to wake up early every day. I am so proud of her! She is getting so big it hurts a little.

Yesterday all children in the program were invited to a field trip to the Living Planet Aquarium in Draper. Although Giovi had been there several times before, she was very excited to go with her classmates and teachers. On the other hand I wasn’t very confident in letting her go. Giovanna had never gone to a field trip before, and to be honest as bad as it sounds I do not trust her with no one else besides me.

After talking to Ale, teachers and the school principal, and after having a long conversation with Giovi, I finally signed the permission slip. We talked about staying with the group, listening to her teacher, keeping away from strangers, and etc, but most importantly we talked about accountability and trust. I told her I would be counting on her to be responsible and follow our rules. I also pointed out that if she fail on following the rules she wouldn’t be allowed to go on field trips anymore.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t home to pick her up but Ale met her at school and sent me this cute picture. When I got home she told me everything about her day- the cool things she saw, the great time she had, and how she had followed through everything we talked about (except putting her seat belt on. Apparently school buses don’t have seat belts?). Anyways, I was happy we let her go! 

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