Monday, August 26, 2019

First day of school- Bianca

Bianca starts Preschool again this year (remember last year she only went for a few months?). She’s been asking to go to school since her sister’s class has started last week. Bianca loves school. She LOVES going to school, and complains every Friday when she has a day off. It’s funny and cute!

Last week her teacher came to visit her. She brought a brand new back pack for her along with pencils and crayons and notebooks. It was awesome! I love it because that way Bianca goes on her first day of school already knowing who her teacher (and assistant) are.

Her teacher, Ms Kaylee is really nice, and I hope- fingers crossed- she gets to stay for the entire year. Last year was crazy with teachers, aids, etc, coming and going. Bianca’s class had three different teachers last year. Luckily, she was able to adapt fast.

Before driving her to school Ale placed his hands on her head and gave her a Priesthood blessing that will help her be safe and succeed in this school year. We are very excited with what this school year will bring- lots of cute projects to hang on our art wall, fun field trips to go to, and lots of learning and growing!

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