Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Dentist appointment

Today the girls had dentist appointment.

Bianca did great. She had her teeth cleaned and checked by the dentist while she watched Frozen and held unto her new doll- Audrey from Descendants 3. No cavities. No concerns.

Giovanna didn’t have cavities either, but she cried the whole appointment. First,  because her gums are swelled and it hurts to brush. Second, because the x-ray was making her gag and she felt like trowing up. Third, because since she can’t brush her teeth very well (because of her gums), her bottom teeth got a yuck yellow stain which it had to be removed.

Finally, because her mouth is so small there is no space for permanent teeth to grow. The dentist suggested us to talk to an orthodontist about it. I’ll be scheduling an appointment for her soon. Poor thing! I remember I had the same problem growing up and as a result I had to wear braces for over eight years. Let’s hope it won’t be her case. 

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