Wednesday, August 28, 2019


This morning we left the girls at school, and after an awesome breakfast at Kneaders Ale and I headed to Timpanogos Temple to perform sealing ordinance for his ancestors. It was so beautiful to re-listen to all covenants that are made between husband and wife and Heavenly Father. I felt the Spirit really strong the whole time, and I had a sincere desire to work harder on my Family History.

I kept thinking about Ale’s ancestors happiness while we were helping them get married in the temple and be sealed to their sons and daughters as an eternal family. I also thought about how happy my ancestors would be if I do the same for them. 

Although, I am not nearly as good as Ale in doing genealogy, I do have a testimony that our loved deceased ones are anxiously waiting for us to help them by regularly attending the temple and performing ordinances for them.

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