Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Wedding anniversaries

Every year Ale and I celebrate our anniversary in three different dates- civil wedding on September 6th, religious ceremony on November 1st, and temple sealing on June 12th. It is a lot of dates to remember, but Ale not only remember these dates but also the day we started dating. He has an excellent memory. Me... not so much, and that’s why I have a huge calendar in the kitchen where I write everything down.

But I like to actually celebrate our anniversary in September. Not only because it is easier for me to remember, but also because it is my favorite month and time of the year. At least here in the U.S. Then in June I like celebrating our sealing anniversary.

This year we celebrate eleven years of marriage, and ten years sealed for eternity in the house of the Lord. Two beautiful milestones.

Ale presented me with beautiful flowers and chocolates. Then for dinner he took is to Braza Grill to enjoy some Brazilian taste (different of mine). 

Eleven years have taught us so much about patience, respect, endurance, humility and faith. We have grown together and straightened our relationship and companionship. Sometimes we get frustrated and even angry, but soon the love and covenants made in the temple overcome any sad feelings we may have toward each other.

Happy 11th anniversary to us. And many more to come.

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