Monday, September 2, 2019

Labor day 2019

Happy Labor Day!

Today in the morning I finally cleaned the house that needed some attention. I have no idea how the house gets so messy with only four of us living in it. It took me a while, but it felt great after I was done. Ale helped by washing the dishes, wiping the counter, and cleaning the stove. And the girls cleaned their room. I spent most of the time cleaning the bathroom and doing (tons) of laundry. 

Then in the afternoon we met The Villatoros at the Latino Festival in downtown Provo. We tried some latino food, and we bought Brazilian coxinhas (my favorite), but for our disappointment they  tasted anything but coxinha. I was so sad! Then we watched some performances and we had back home earlier because Giovi wasn’t feeling good. I think she is getting sick with cold. 

On our way back home we all stopped at Krispy Cream to get some d.e.l.i.c.i.o.u.s doughnuts. Once we got home we at them (so good!), then the girls took a quick shower, and their feet were literally black! Then teeth brushed, kisses goodnight, and bed because tomorrow is school day.

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