Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Lindon Aquatics Center

This past weekend our family met some friends at the Lindon Aquatics Center to swim and enjoy their last day open before they close for the season. I can’t believe we are already saying goodbye to summer and welcoming Fall. I feel summer was way too short this year.

The aquatics center was f.u.l.l and we had to wait for a few minutes for people to leave before we could get in. I think everyone had the same idea. Giovanna even found a friend from school there. We had a great time swimming, and we stayed until the lifeguards whistle and close the pool.

The girls fell in love with this place since the day we had Bianca’s fourth birthday there. It is a really fun place with several activities to do. Unfortunately, the kids didn’t have time to do all of them on Bianca’s birthday, so I am glad we got to go one last time. I am already looking forward for next summer.

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