Friday, September 20, 2019

Playing in the rain

This morning we woke up to see rain pouring from the sky. I love rain when I don’t have to go out. So I dragged myself out of bed, put pants and a sweater on, and rushed with Giovanna to the car to take her to school. I can’t wait to have an actual garage so I don't have to get wet every time when getting to the car. 

When I came back home I gave Bianca breakfast, then she asked if she could play in the rain. Just like her dad she loves playing in the rain. I watched her under the umbrella while she happily ran around stepping on the water pods and giving her barbie a bath.

I love little kids and the happiness they find in the simplest things. I love their heart and their purity. I can’t even start describing how much joy Bianca brings to my life. I just wish I could stop time so she could be little forever. 

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