Thursday, September 26, 2019

In the hands of God

I can’t believe I am sick again. Not long ago I was sick with flu which made me miserable for several days. Now I am dealing with an awful cold. My body hurts, my head hurts, and everything else HURTS.

Today I dragged myself out of bed to attend my background check appointment. I needed to get it done in order to volunteer on field trips at Giovi’s school. After my appointment I laid in bed most of the day. 

The good side of it is that when I am sick I stop. And when I stop I actually have time to get some things done that I usually don’t have time to do. Like working on my personal progress. I already have done it when I was a Young Women, but since the day it was announced that this program would be replaced, I decided to do it again.

One of the required value experiences was to read Proverbs 31:10-31 in the bible and two conference talks on womanhood. I picked two talks from October 2005 semi-annual conference:

To Young Women by Jeffrey R. Holland (I adore him!)

They are wonderful and I urge you to read, ponder, and share these truths with your daughters, sisters, friends, and all the wonderful women in your life.

“Even though your works may be known to only a few, they are recorded in the Lamb’s book of life, which one day will be opened to witness of your dedicated service, devotion, and deeds as “instruments in the hands of God”.

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