Friday, September 13, 2019

Springville carnival

School has started but whenever we can we enjoy some outdoor fun. I am so glad we are still having  warm days (and cold, and rain) and activities to do.

Today Springville city hosted a quarter carnival. Every ticket for the games cost only $.25 cents, plus they were distributing free hot dogs. The splash pad was turned on and all the kids had a blast.

The girls didn’t really play at the booths (the lines were gigantic and I had enough being stuck at the free hot dog line under the sun), so they played the whole time at the playground and splash pad.

We met some Brazilian friends there, and the kids played for about three hours while us mom talked about family, kids, doctors, hair, food and Brazil.

Also, who has already decorated the house for Halloween? I am so excited to get started around here!

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