Friday, October 4, 2019

General Conference weekend

Today was a long day. Giovanna is still recovering from her teeth extraction, so we decided not to take her to school. She will be ready to go back on Monday.

In the afternoon we drove to South Jordan to attend to Linda’s funeral. Linda is Katie’s mother-in-law who was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago and passed away last Monday.

For those who know me also know I have difficulty when it comes to death, and although I was controlling myself throughout the ceremony, towards the end I started tearing up, which was a little embarrassing since I didn’t know Linda that well. 

It turns out I can’t go to funerals at all. I always bawl like a child- knowing the deceased one or not. Poor Giovanna also started to cry as soon as she saw me sobbing, and everyone thought she was one of Linda’s granddaughter.

After the funeral our family came to Mindy’s where we will be sleeping over and watching the Saturday sessions of General Conference. I am also planning to take Giovi to the Conference Center to watch the General Women’s Meeting tomorrow. We went last year and it was great.

You also can watch General Conference here.

Have a lovely weekend!

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