Thursday, October 3, 2019

Teeth extraction- Part I

And the day to take Giovanna to the dentist to have her teeth extracted has come. I talked to her all morning about fears and how to deal with them, specially fear of the dentist. Giovanna has dental phobia, just like me. 

When I was a kid I would never let anyone touch my teeth, and because of that my mouth was full of twisted teeth, and I ended up having to wear braces for over eight years. It was a long and painful process.

Giovanna was REALLY brave at the dentist. They poked her in five different spots with anesthesia and pulled three teeth out of five that need to be extracted. I am so, so proud of her! That wasn’t an easy think to do, but she held still the entire time.

Unfortunately, extracting her tooth is not an easy task as it is for other kids. Because she has ankyloses like me (when the periodontal ligament is absent and the tooth is fused directly to the bone), removing a tooth, even a baby one, it is hard and painful. 

She came back home in pain so I gave her some Ibuprofen. She laid down for a few hours and then she felt much better. Later today we all went to Menchie’s for ice cream. Next week she is coming back to have the two last teeth removed.

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