Thursday, October 10, 2019

Parent and Teacher Conference

Today was a productive, happy day. I was able to clean most of my girls closets, and I had people ringing my bell every two hours to pick up things I am sharing on our stake Seek and Share Facebook page as I clean. 

On Seek and Share brothers and sisters within our stake can share things they don’t want or need anymore, as well as ask for informations or even things they are in need of. It is wonderful! 

Remember a while ago we sold Ale’s guitar? A few weeks ago a nice sister shared a guitar on the page and Ale was able to get it. We are really happy and grateful.

Later today we attended Giovanna’s Parent Teacher Conference and she is doing amazingly good in school. Her Spanish teacher said her literacy is great, her comprehension is above average, and her writing has improved a lot. 

Her English teacher said she is able to count money correctly (which she was struggling a few weeks ago), she is not talking in class as much, and overall she is a great student and friend for her classmates. 

She is still struggling with math and needs A LOT of support at home, but we heard although she gets  frustrated she doesn’t give up and try hard to understand and learn.

We couldn’t be more proud! 

Annnnnd, she got her Descendants book from Book Fair.

* * * * * * * * 

Also, happy birthday dad!

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