Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Today starts Parent and Teacher Conference at Giovi’s school, and with that Book Fair. I can’t say Giovanna is as excited to go to the conference as she is to go to the book fair. She’s been bagging me to take her to buy the new Descendants book. I’ve already told her it will all depend on what her teachers have to say about her performance in class.

Meanwhile, I cleaning the house and getting rid of a bunch of things. Right now I have the girl’s crib, frames, baskets, old clothes, old shoes, books, toys and more sitting in my room waiting to be taken to DI (Deseret Industries).

Meanwhile I am still thinking how I will keep up with what I already have to do plus the recent changes in the church. These changes have been a bit overwhelming to me. But I know as the second coming approaches we need to be spiritually independents, and all these new policies are taking place to help us do just that.

As we sit down as a family to study the scriptures, keep the Sabbath day holy, minister to one another, and set personal goals to grow spiritually, physically, intellectually and socially we are preparing ourselves to see Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father again.

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