Thursday, November 14, 2019


Before having children my heart was already committed to be involved in my kids academic life.  Giovanna is in third grade and Bianca is in preschool, and I always volunteer when I can. Some days I surprise the girls at school to have lunch together, and I know teachers and other school staff as well as most of their friends and their friends parents.

After dropping off Giovanna at school I head to Bianca’s preschool to drop her off. Every day she asks me to stay for two minutes. Sometimes I read a book with her before I leave, and sometimes I watch the first fifteen minutes of class.

Every day Bianca and her little friends pick a chore to help with. Sometimes Bianca is the weather reporter, or line leader, or milk helper. On of these days she volunteered to help her teacher show the other students some breathing techniques.

When Bianca is home she also likes playing school and she always teach us the breathing techniques. Her school has that on their curriculum to help children cope with feelings of stress and anger.

Parents are encouraged to also use them at home, so Bianca is doing a good job!

Way to go Bibi!

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