Monday, November 18, 2019

His Birthday

Today our family set up our Christmas tree for Family Home Evening. While everyone was off to work and school I moved a couple of furniture to open space for our Christmas tree.

After dinner we all put our Christmas pijamas on vovó Zete made for us, and we sat down to talk about Who we should remember and celebrate on this Christmas season. My girls eagerly raised their hands to answer: Jesus Christ.

We discussed how sad it would be if no one remembers our birthday, and how good it feels to be remembered and celebrated. Same thing happens to Jesus Christ. He is and always should be the focus of this beautiful season.

I feel so grateful for the gospel in my life and in the life of my family. And I am deeply grateful for the love my kids have for their Brother and Savior Jesus Christ. He is the center of our home and of everything we do.

We also watched this video. It is really cute and the girls love it.

After the message we played Christmas songs and danced in the living room while daddy picked up the boxes in the closet. The girls did an amazing job helping decorating the Christmas tree. It looks beautiful with all its colors and lights.

We finished our night with hot cocoa and the best Christmas movie of my childhood: Home Alone.

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