Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Maleficent: Mistress of Evil

Giovanna and I had a special date. We left Ale and Bianca home and went to the movies to watch the much anticipated Maleficent. Giovanna was really excited to watch it since we saw the trailer before Toy Story 4 a while ago.

Bianca LOVES Maleficent and was really sad when I told her she was not going with us. Based on the first movie and knowing the second one would be about war, I thought it would be too scary for her. 

It turns out the movie wasn’t scary at all, and in fact for me it fell short of expectations. I was really hoping for more excitement, emotion, and impact (like the first one), but it wasn’t any of that, and I am not sure how I feel about the Dark Fey, although I absolutely love Chiwetel Ejiofor (Conall) as their leader. I thought their scenes were pure Avatar.

Also, I didn’t feel Maleficent as evil as in the first movie and I missed that (I mean, come on, she was supposed to be mistress of evil, right?). Perhaps, she became a softy after breaking Aurora’s curse on the first movie? I don’t know, but I can’t say I like it.

Anyways, Giovanna and I had a great time together. She loves the movie and can’t wait to watch it again with her little sis. After the movie we headed to Panda Express (her favorite) for dinner. Double score! Successful night!

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