Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Mamãe, eu te amo você muito!

A few months ago I was diagnosed with flu, then a month later I had a really bad cold, and now I am sick with a cold again. Plus I’ve been coughing I don’t even remember for how long. I just know it never goes away. 

Yesterday, I was in bed most of the day while the kids fixed some bread and cereal for themselves and watched movies in the iPad.

This morning I found this picture on my phone: 


This BEAUTIFUL surprise:

Sometime while I was sleeping Giovanna placed her comfort blanket close to me and took a picture. Then she left the loviest message (in Portuguese!!) on my phone. She says:

“Hi mommy, I love you so much. Every time you are sick and I am in school you can watch this video I recorded for you and remember I will always love you. Thank you for everything you do. I hope you feel better so we can do things together. Thank you for everything and I love so so much. You are my world. Kisses. Bye!”

It is so cute how she always takes care of me when I am sick.

I love you so so much too my beautiful Giovanna!
Thank YOU for everything you are in my life.
YOU are my entire world! 

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