Monday, November 25, 2019


The girls are still recovering from our weekend. Today they had a hard time waking up in the morning to go to school. I told them that we had a super fun weekend, and I knew they (we) were tired, but just two days of school and soon they would be enjoying Thanksgiving break.

Saturday afternoon we drove to Salt Lake City. Ale and I wanted to attend a session at Salt Lake Temple before it closes in December. Mindy and Tales watched the girls for us, and they had lots of fun playing and decorating gingerbread houses while we were gone.

The temple was really busy, and unfortunately we couldn’t get in a session. But we were able to do sealing in behalf of Ale’s deceased family members. I love the sealing promises between husband and wife and Heavenly Father. It’s beautiful and a good reminder to keep our own covenants.

On Sunday after church we cooked lunch while the girls made themselves useful and scrubbed the floor. They love any reason to play with water, so why not to help us a little, right? lol

Around five we left the Britos and we headed to Lehi to celebrate Mechaella who was turning thirty. We had a typical Honduran dinner, then we sang happy birthday to her. It was a fun night, and a fun weekend.

We got back home late with two little birdies asleep in the car.

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