Monday, December 16, 2019

Eleven years ago

December 14, 2009 Ale and I arrived in Salt Lake City, Utah to start our new life as a newly married couple. We said goodbye to a beautiful summertime in Brazil and found everything covered in snow here. I was cold and I was sad for leaving my family and everything I knew behind.

We lived with Ale's brother for a month before moving to our first apartment.

It was an one-bedroom apartment only a few minutes from Downtown Salt Lake where Ale was attending LDS Business College. The rent was around $400, and I was so excited to finally have our own place.

When we moved to our apartment we only owned our luggage, an old mattress, a TV stand, and a small TV that didn't work. Then our bishop kindly gave us a form to pick up a bed, a couch and a table at DI Thrift Store. 

It was a hard first year with lots of trials, enduring, and adapting but we also had a lot of laughter, love and companionship. Ale and I spent our days talking, playing monopoly, getting Netflix through the mail, and just being silly to each other and growing in love.

This past Saturday we celebrated eleven years since we moved to Utah. Looking back... everything we went through, all the changes, all the growth, there is one thing that never really changed- Ale keeps making me laugh. And now the girls laugh too. He's been always the funnest of the house.

And, although life tribulations have taken a smile from his face at times, he would always find a way to keep smiling and making us happy. And I am deeply grateful for that, because I know this is one of the reasons why we are a strong bonded family.

I love you Alexandre Buck Bellini.

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