Thursday, December 12, 2019

His purpose

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose” - Romans 8:28

I’ve been thinking about this scripture since Ale called me this morning to tell me he would need to go to Salt Lake City.

In the morning, he woke up as usual, got dressed, and gave me a kiss before leaving to work right before laying down next to me complaining of migraine. He ended up not going to work.

Later on, when I was picking up Bianca from school my phone rang. It was Ale saying our friend Matute had called him to ask if he could go to Salt Lake to help President Henry B. Eyring who needed a Portuguese interpreter to communicate with a couple in Brazil.

Ale was supposed to stay with the girls so I could work in the evening, but it turned out I got a call from my student cancelling our evening class. I was amazed how everything worked out throughout the day so Ale could answer to the call of our Savior’s servant.

Things really do work together ‘to them who are the called according to His purpose’.

In the afternoon, our family got ready to drive to Salt Lake and drop off daddy at the church building office. While he was there we visited the Britos who also watched the girls so Ale and I could worship in the temple before it closes for renovations (more on that later).

It was a marvelous day filled with the Spirit, strong testimony, and understanding that Heavenly Father is in control of everything and of our lives, and we are here on this earth to fulfill His purpose.

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