Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Twinkle is back

This past Friday the girls woke up to find an unexpected visitor in our home. Bianca was the first one to spot her sitting on the branches of our New Year tree. She rapidly came to my room yelling “Twinkle is back, Twinkle is back! She is sitting on the Christmas tree”. 

Giovanna and I ran to the living room and there she was, holding a letter:

The girls were so happy to see her again and for being able to finally touch her and play with her for one entire day. Twinkle accompanied the girls everywhere. They even had lunch together at Mc Donald’s.

At night Giovanna slept with Twinkle in an attempt to not let her fly back to the North Pole. But in the morning she was gone. But she kindly left a farewell letter under Giovi’s pillow.

Goodbye dear Twinkle. See you again in December!

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