Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year!

Welcome 2020!

I am starting a new year feeling like an old year, and I don’t like that. I am usually super excited to ring in a new year, and although some years had brought me some pain and trials, I was still excited to see what the next year would have in store for me and our family.

Two thousand and twenty is starting a little off for me, but let’s hope for an awesome year! We have some unfinished business from 2019 I am hoping to get solved this year. Fingers crossed!

As usual we spent New Year’s Eve with the Arbons/Matutes. This year the party took place at the Matute’s residence. We ate, talked, and danced until past 1:00am.

At midnight we wished all our friends happy new year, and shot some fireworks. We also talked to family in Brazil.

Happy 2020 everybody!!!!

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