Friday, February 7, 2020

Bye bye Florida

When the day to come back home arrived I was ready to return to Ale and my home, but I wasn’t ready to leave my family. Saying goodbye is always the hardest thing for me.

 Earlier that day my mom, my sister and I stopped by at a couple of stores and at Costco to by vitamins for them to take to Brazil. Then when we got back home it was already time to go to the airport.

It was pouring rain when we left!!! Florida was sad we were living. 

Fortunately, we arrived safe and sound at the airport, and with lots of hours before our flight (thanks Ale!).

My family stayed with me, helped me to return the car, check the bags, and just make me company until it was time for us to go. We ate at Panda and took some last pictures. I even bought a Red Sox t-shirt at Fans for $9 bucks. (MOC airport is awesome).

Bye bye family I love with all my heart. See you in 2022 for our Christmas in the mountains.

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