Thursday, February 6, 2020

Tutta Nostra Famiglia at Islands of Adventure

This was the last park we visited. My mom stayed with Giovi and Bibi at home, while Ale, Bia, Lucas, my sister and I headed one more time to Universal. 

I decided to go without the girls because I thought the Islands of Adventure was meant to bigger kids and adults. It turns out it is perfect for little ones, even more than Universal Studios actually.

So I couldn’t help but think the entire time how fun it would have been to have them with us, specially at the Seuss Landing! That place is so cute!

Since I don’t ride roller coasters, I let the gang do their thing and I went to explore other parts of the park by myself (Spider Man and Hong King 3D are awesome). I was able to go in three different attractions while they were in line for The Incredible Hulk Coaster.

P.S. The Jurassic Park River Adventure was closed. Closed! (Mad face).

Then we met again to have lunch. We tried the famous Bubba Gump. It was delicious!

After lunch Bia and I finally rode the much anticipated Hogwarts Express. Now, here are my personal thoughts about it: not exciting. Although, the express gives you an authentic experience (everything looks the same as on the movies), it is nothing more than... well... a ride (with some scenery images on the windows).

I don’t know... I just think they could do a little better- perhaps the characters can show up for pictures in the cabins? Or the dementors can try to invade the cabin to soak up our souls? Something like that...

Like I have mentioned before, I am a big HP fan, so this experience was awesome anyways, specially having my Bia with me.

I came back home with my heart full, deeply grateful for this beautiful day I got to spend with people I love, and all the fun we had.

I also came back home to find three happy girls with lots of news to tell, a delicious dinner, and a much needed hot cocoa (it was really cold that day).

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