Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Heart attack

A few weeks ago I was released from my calling with Young Women, and I was called to be Primary Activities leader.

The Primary Activities is part of the new Children and Youth program of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and requires monthly meetings/activities for girls from eight to twelve years old.

Since Valentine’s Day is so close, for today’s activity we drove the girls over two friends who haven’t coming to Activities lately to heart attack them.

The girls sneaked into the front door and quietly taped all the hearts filled with beautiful messages they had written earlier on. Then they would knock on the door and run away.

It was so much fun, and so rewarding! As soon as the girls found all the hearts taped on their doors, I started getting messages from their moms.

When I showed the messages to the girls they shouted of happiness. Our activity was a success!

I love their little hearts and the desire they have to minister to their friends. They are already an example to me, and I look forward to our next activities together. 

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