Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Today we met with Giovanna’s new therapist. This first session she wanted to meet with Ale and I only to freely talk about Giovanna. So we left the girls at Rebecca’s house to play with Alice and Thomas.

The session lasted forty-five minutes and we explained to the therapist Giovi’s sweet and calm personality, things she is good at, things she struggles with, and what our hopes are for her with this treatment.

Right now I need Giovanna to eat, gain weight, improve her self steam, and learn in school.

Besides therapy, I was also finally able to convince Giovanna’s teachers she needs to be tested. Ms Sagendorf, Giovi’s English teacher, understood the severity of the situation and rapidly filled out the form and sent to the principal to be approved and signed.

I believe next week I’ll hear from them.

We are doing absolutely everything we can to help Giovi grow healthy and confident. She is wonderful, a light in everybody’s life, and she deserves to be infinitely happy. 

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