Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Tutta Nostra Famiglia at Universal Studios

I was beyond excited to go back to Universal Studios after thirteen years. I still remember my deep desire to have my family with me. It was truly a blessing and such a special moment for me to go back not only with them, but also with my own kids. (so sad Ale had to come back to Utah for work).

I was specially excited to visit the World of Harry Potter. You know, I am a big fan! And so it’s my niece Bia. We had so much fun together! Plus, it was nice to have someone besides myself who actually understood every time one of the park crews called us muggles.

My mom sewed b e a u t i f u l Hogwarts uniforms for the girls to wear (which they did all day long). And my sister bought glasses just like Harry Potter’s. (Guess what the girls will be for Halloween this year?).

We also had a special lunch at Leaky Cauldron. I truly felt I was in the Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban movie! We even tried a delicious butter beer. Awesome experience!

I didn’t want this day to be over. We all had a blast! And my beautiful girls loved the world of Harry Potter. Cute little ones!

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