Friday, March 27, 2020

Forward with faith - quarantine day 12

In the morning I woke up with really bad cramps, so I went back to bed and stayed there for a few hours while Ale worked and the girls fixed some cereal for themselves.

When I got up I was feeling a little better so I took the girls out of their iPads and sent them to do homework. Giovanna struggled so much to finish her math lesson it got me beyond frustrated.

Ale woke up with migraine, so he wasn’t feeling so patience himself either.

On top of that we received news from an acquaintance that contracted the COVID-19 virus and is in critical condition at the hospital. His name is Alacy, and Ale and I taught his little girl Cecilia at our CTR class at church while living in Salt Lake.

I confess this news hit me hard. We are praying for his family and for his recovery.

I feel this virus is getting closer to us and I hate it. And I know Satan wants us to feel discouraged and hopeless specially during these uncertain times. It is okay to have not-so-great days (like today), but it is important to shake it off and move forward with faith, knowing Heavenly Father is in control of everything.

President Nelson has asked us to join in a world wide fasting for relieve from corona virus this Sunday. I have a testimony that through fasting and prayer great things can be accomplished.

Also, the happiest birthday to my brother-in-law! We love you!

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