Monday, March 30, 2020

Chief in charge - quarantine days 13-15

The girls have started to feel the quarantine. They've been asking about going back to school, about playing outside, and about Easter which we celebrate with the Britos every year.

With the craziness of these last couple of weeks I haven't figure out what we will be doing for Easter or General Conference yet. I usually prepared Easter baskets and Conference packets for the girls, and as much as I want to keep our traditions going, this COVID-19 is making it hard.

Sundays are becoming the day I most look forward to. Turning our home into an extension of the chapel, and having the girls share their testimonies and Ale bless the sacrament for our family has been the most humble and spiritual experience for me.

In the midst of this chaos I feel blessed for having the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. It gives me peace and assurance that everything will be fine because Heavenly Father is the chief in charge.

We sang "Come thou fount of every blessing" as our opening hymn. This is one of my favorites hymns, and I used to sing it to Giovanna every night before bedtime.

"Oh, that day when freed from sinning
I shall see Thy lovely face
Clothed then in the blood washed linen
How I'll sing Thy wondrous grace
Come, my Lord, no longer tarry
Take my ransomed soul away
Send Thine angels now to carry
Me to realms of endless day".

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