Monday, March 9, 2020

Giovi starts therapy

My baby #1 had a rough few last days sick with cold. She started coughing on Thursday, then she had fever and started with itchy/runny nose.

Today she woke up feeling a little better. She has no fever, but she’s still coughing a lot. I feel like after getting sick it takes a lifetime for us to stop coughing.

Because Giovanna’s therapist has a super tight schedule, I didn’t want to cancel their first session. I was hoping Giovi would be feeling better by then- which she is.

After picking up Bianca from school fifteen minutes earlier, the three of us headed to Provo to drop off Giovi. That morning I explained to her what to expect once we get there, just so she wouldn’t be scared.

When I left I noticed Giovanna super shy around the therapist. But I was so happy to see her smiling with confidence when I picked her up. She told great things about her time there. She told me they played fun games and they talked about emotions.

She is very excited to go back next week. I really do hope these sessions will help us to help her to grow up to be a healthy, confident, beautiful young woman.

:: Pictures :: A few Sundays ago after church. My mom brought these beautiful dresses from her last trip to Thailand. These pictures were taken before Giovi’s doctor appointment and before her diet change.

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